San Anselmo is an incorporated town of 12,000 people in Marin County, California. Stetson teamed with Mike Love and Associates (MLA) to design and construct a concrete pool and chute fish passage structure on San Anselmo Creek under Lansdale Avenue.
Friends of the Corte Madera Creek Watershed (Friends), as the project proponent, spearheaded the project including permitting, securing funding, and contracting with Stetson and MLA to perform the design.
Working under a grant from the California Department of Fish and Wildlife, the Town of San Anselmo took over the project during construction and hired Stetson to provide bidding, design and construction management services.
Stetson completed the structural design of the concrete structure and culvert improvements. Working closely with MLA and a geotechnical engineer, Stetson prepared a complete bid package of construction plans and specifications that addressed the site, hydraulic and regulatory constraints including retrofits to the old bridge abutments, abutter limitations/access, sensitive species, and existing hydraulics/channel constraints. Stetson conducted a pre-construction meeting, coordinated construction schedules and permitting, reviewed submittals, preformed inspections and permit compliance surveys, reviewed pay requests, addressed RFIs, performed design revisions based on conditions encountered during construction, conducted the as-built survey, and prepared as-built drawings and an operation and maintenance manual.