Stetson Engineers has provided technical services and support for numerous water rights and water supply tasks on United States Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton for more than 15 years. These tasks have ranged from providing comprehensive engineering services necessary to develop a $60 million water supply facility to those required to support permitting and agency consultation. Current and past tasks performed for Camp Pendleton include hydraulic and hydrologic modeling, groundwater modeling, civil engineering design, adaptive management planning, monitoring, water rights support, and planning support.

Recent studies have included:
- Collection of stream and near-surface data to develop relationships between groundwater pumping and impacts on riparian vegetation using numerical models.
- Application of a groundwater model to determine water requirements necessary to support southern California steelhead migration.
- Adaptive Management Planning to operate a series of surface diversions, storage facilities, and groundwater wells to meet legal and environmental requirements using GIS and decision-making software.
- Installation and maintenance of a network of over 60 groundwater data loggers.
- Installation and operation of a Flood Early Warning System that monitors real-time data collected through satellite, internet, and high-frequency radio to calculate and predict future floods based on rainfall.
- Preparation of plans and specifications in cooperation with the Army Corps of Engineers for the dredging, dewatering, and disposal of sediment from a 135-acre lake.
- Completion of a Groundwater Under the Direct Influence (GWUDI) of Surface Water studies to support the Base's drinking water license with the California Department of Public Health.
- Water rights and project development-related negotiation support with multiple state and federal agencies including the California State
Water Resources Control Board, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and others.